Um, I am now officially a LUSH employee. It's going like a dream! I also still have my Wilkinsons job, but spend most of my days, selling glorious, natural, eco-friendly products to some wonderful people.
This week is my second week there, and I've already learn't so much. Last Wednesday I did a Skincare Training session for seven hours in Bristol. That was intense but amazing... below are my wonderful products from that training.
So I will try and keep updated on how this progresses...hope everyones having a glorious week!
I do not read to think. I do not read to learn. I do not read to search for truth. I know the truth, and the truth is hardly what I need. I read to dream!
Wednesday, 15 August 2012
Monday, 2 July 2012
Cardiff - Lush items, and Comic book heels
So me and Matt have had an absolutley wonderful time out and about last week. We ended the week on a high note, whilst visiting Cardiff. I spent so, so much money in Lush, Forbidden Planet and Whittards.
We started the day with me testing facemasks in Lush, I ended up purchasing Cosmetic Warrior, which I have yet to use, and also the cleanser 'Angels on Bare Skin' - which I have used once and has already greatly improved my skin! It's a lovely lavendery concoction, that makes my skin really smooth, and is already having an effect on my breakouts. Leaving Lush for a while, so I could contemplate a few more purchases, we headed off up into Cardiff. Matt found the Americandy store in St.Davids, so I left him purchasing 'Wonka Nerds' and headed to the glorious Whittards. I was greeted with a nice taster cup of their new jubilee tea, which I now heavily regret not buying! It was a wondeful smelling and tasting peach and apricot loose leaf black tea. After a quick browse around the shop...I was coerced...yes, coerced into purchasing some Chocolate Chai. I was fairly dubious about it, but trusted my cashier. I also got some Apple and Elderflower infusion tea, and some Cinnamon Chai.
We hit a few more shops, and stopped for a buffet lunch at pizza hut before hitting Forbidden Planet. I don't like the Cardiff store as much as the Bristol one, but I was still able to find some interesting comics that came home with me. (As did Matt)
We were in a fair bit of a hurry, as I had to make the bus back to the park and ride, to get home for work, pretty we power-walked through St.Davids, where Matt went to Game, and I went to the Disney Store. He came and found me, saying we needed to go to the Market to get a controller for his super nintendo. So we practically ran feet dieing in my heels. After that mad dash, and Matt finding what he needed, we went back to Lush so I could complete my order. I knew I wanted a gift box, and for some reason I cannot think of, I went for the 'Rosie' one. It smells lovely and contains 'Ro's Argan Body Conditioner' which I wanted to buy anyway. I got some Veganese hair conditioner, and a 'Ceridwens Cauldron' bath melt. I almost made it out of the shop with some money left in my pocket...but then I spotted the solid perfumes on the counter.
As much as I love my 'Dear John' perfume, I really wanted to experiment with different scents, as I haven't found one that I want to wear forever and be my signature. Still in a rush, I made some snap decisions, and came home with 'The smell of Weather Turning', and 'Ginger'. I adore them both already. 'Ginger' just clings to my skin, where my old 'Dear John' used to fade far too quickly...both are much stronger smells - I can't stop sniffing at my wrists.
So that was that, our day was over...our week of travels and adventures over. *Raising cup of organic white tea* Heres' to many more like it!
Something else I purchased that weekend was Mod Podge - why did I need that you ask...because I'm making comic strip shoes. I've finished the one shoe (shown below) and am excited to finish the pair now!
We started the day with me testing facemasks in Lush, I ended up purchasing Cosmetic Warrior, which I have yet to use, and also the cleanser 'Angels on Bare Skin' - which I have used once and has already greatly improved my skin! It's a lovely lavendery concoction, that makes my skin really smooth, and is already having an effect on my breakouts. Leaving Lush for a while, so I could contemplate a few more purchases, we headed off up into Cardiff. Matt found the Americandy store in St.Davids, so I left him purchasing 'Wonka Nerds' and headed to the glorious Whittards. I was greeted with a nice taster cup of their new jubilee tea, which I now heavily regret not buying! It was a wondeful smelling and tasting peach and apricot loose leaf black tea. After a quick browse around the shop...I was coerced...yes, coerced into purchasing some Chocolate Chai. I was fairly dubious about it, but trusted my cashier. I also got some Apple and Elderflower infusion tea, and some Cinnamon Chai.
We hit a few more shops, and stopped for a buffet lunch at pizza hut before hitting Forbidden Planet. I don't like the Cardiff store as much as the Bristol one, but I was still able to find some interesting comics that came home with me. (As did Matt)
We were in a fair bit of a hurry, as I had to make the bus back to the park and ride, to get home for work, pretty we power-walked through St.Davids, where Matt went to Game, and I went to the Disney Store. He came and found me, saying we needed to go to the Market to get a controller for his super nintendo. So we practically ran feet dieing in my heels. After that mad dash, and Matt finding what he needed, we went back to Lush so I could complete my order. I knew I wanted a gift box, and for some reason I cannot think of, I went for the 'Rosie' one. It smells lovely and contains 'Ro's Argan Body Conditioner' which I wanted to buy anyway. I got some Veganese hair conditioner, and a 'Ceridwens Cauldron' bath melt. I almost made it out of the shop with some money left in my pocket...but then I spotted the solid perfumes on the counter.
As much as I love my 'Dear John' perfume, I really wanted to experiment with different scents, as I haven't found one that I want to wear forever and be my signature. Still in a rush, I made some snap decisions, and came home with 'The smell of Weather Turning', and 'Ginger'. I adore them both already. 'Ginger' just clings to my skin, where my old 'Dear John' used to fade far too quickly...both are much stronger smells - I can't stop sniffing at my wrists.
So that was that, our day was over...our week of travels and adventures over. *Raising cup of organic white tea* Heres' to many more like it!
Wednesday, 13 June 2012
Inspirational Times
I am currently sat, lounging around, drinking blood orange fruit pot tea, after cooking with Matt. He's making his own burgers from scratch tomorrow, so with the chicken and bacon that was left, he decided to make a salad. He left adding the meat till last so I could also enjoy the nice salad we made together. Aswell as his burgers, he's also making a cheesecake from scratch. Both of us are in a bid to get healthier and eat more homegrown/home cooked food.
I thought it was about time I got back to posting about some interesting, inspirational things and people. I only just discovered the woman belows work, she creates the MOST beautiful ball jointed dolls...I'm in love with the detail and design of near enough all of them.
Also, another wonderful person you must follow is the gorgeous Amanda Gray.
Not only is she a red haired goddess, but she also has great ambitions in cooking and crafts, that are always interesting and great to learn about. I'm lucky enough to class her as one of my friends, and feel honoured just to be a tiny part in her magnificent world.
Next week prepare for photos from my trip to Slimbridge Wetlands. A very image heavy post...
Saturday, 9 June 2012
It's been a while! Waltz on the Wye
My, my...I've taken my time with this blog post. Ok..oo alot to talk about, where to start...ok.
I'll begin with the Waltz on the Wye Steampunk event. It was a truley magickal weekend...below you will see it in picture form.

I won a dancing competition, dancing to the manic Rogorah Kart! I then got to play gong on stage with these gypsy nutters!
I'll begin with the Waltz on the Wye Steampunk event. It was a truley magickal weekend...below you will see it in picture form.
This is me and Pr.Elemental, after his amazing performance

I won a dancing competition, dancing to the manic Rogorah Kart! I then got to play gong on stage with these gypsy nutters!
Me and Vicky at tea duelling
It was definatley a glorious weekend! I had so many laughs, and so many amazing highlights!
Friday, 13 April 2012
An update on my week!
I am in desperate need of some lovely dresses and skirts...I may be forced to learn how to sew, as I can't find anything nice in my price range. I'm debating on whether to invest in a sewing machine..hhmmmm??
Anyway, I am having a glorious end to the week, despite working myself half to death every evening, my days have been full of magick, and sunshine! Yesterday I finished a shoot, I had been dieing to create for months now...and the outcomes were rather striking. I feel like me and my little artists created something magickal that day...When it came to taking the final images, I almost got chills at the scene we had created.
In other news my days have also been filled with the most magnificent tea! I have spent hours indulging in the most amazing new teas! Jasmine, Japanese Wild Cherry, and Blue Lady Earl Grey! They all smell magnificent, and are simple mouth-watering <3
I also got around to doing something I've wanted to do for years now, and I adopted an amur leopard from the WWF. It is a great feeling to know I am helping, even the smallest amount. And my little cuddly leopard arrived this morning in the post, and is currently cuddled on my lap.
I've been thinking alot about the future, and what I want to do with it..well, no...more so with how I'm going to make it all happen. I think it's going to be a long road, but day I'll end up where I dream to be.
Anyway, I am having a glorious end to the week, despite working myself half to death every evening, my days have been full of magick, and sunshine! Yesterday I finished a shoot, I had been dieing to create for months now...and the outcomes were rather striking. I feel like me and my little artists created something magickal that day...When it came to taking the final images, I almost got chills at the scene we had created.
In other news my days have also been filled with the most magnificent tea! I have spent hours indulging in the most amazing new teas! Jasmine, Japanese Wild Cherry, and Blue Lady Earl Grey! They all smell magnificent, and are simple mouth-watering <3
I also got around to doing something I've wanted to do for years now, and I adopted an amur leopard from the WWF. It is a great feeling to know I am helping, even the smallest amount. And my little cuddly leopard arrived this morning in the post, and is currently cuddled on my lap.
I've been thinking alot about the future, and what I want to do with it..well, no...more so with how I'm going to make it all happen. I think it's going to be a long road, but day I'll end up where I dream to be.
Monday, 9 April 2012
WanderLust Shoot 2; Siren
This was the lateset WanderLust shoot, taken in Filey, on the beach whilst on holiday! I really love the outcomes for this set, entitled 'Siren'...
I think some of them look rather magickal!
Monday, 19 March 2012
Emilie Autumn FLAG tour (very pic heavy)
OK, so where to start, where to start....
On the 11th of March, I went to see Emilie Live for the fourth time, in Bristols' o2 academy. It was probably her best show yet. Touring her still unreleased FLAG album, we Plague Rats' were in for a real treat.
The new songs were seriously unbelievable...utterly mesmerising!
All photos taken by me/belong to me!
This gig was special as I had a VIP ticket, which meant I could get access to the soundcheck for EA and the girls, and also meet Em herself. I had met her once before in 2008, at an after show signing, but nothing quite so intimate as this experience would be. Em signed my book, and took a photo with me...but this was just the icing on the cake. She was so sweet and genuine! She told me my PR tattoo made her so proud! She said I had strong magickal energy. She loved my drawings I gave to her, saying she would hang the leech canvas up in her bunk ;) The experience was beyond what I could ever imagine, she held my hand the entire time, and I cried at the sheer emotion and connection between us.
The show itself was just as full of buried treasure as her previous tours, but it was also so much more. The new songs, really upped the game. It was a lovely experience to sing along to the new songs, but having them mixed in with some of the classics we all know and love. And even these re-used songs, were made even more epic for this tour! There is so much I could say, but there is no way I could possibly convey to you what this experience was to me.
So I will just finish with the wonderful chance I had, to play 'The Rat Game' onstage with the stunning Veronica Varlow herself.
I was picked from the audience, (I think buttering her up with my present earlier, helped my chances haha) and got to go onto EAs stage, stand in the sticky, rum filled remains of 'God Help Me' in just my stocking feet, and make out with Veronica for the audience. Corrupted for their sick, sick pleasure! This was just the cherry on the amazing cake, that topped off my night...I don't think it could have been any better.
(I came home to some sweet messages from Veronica about my gift to her, which made me feel a little fuzzy inside. One of them was a PM, but below is the other one she posted on my facebook page for the world to see...)
On the 11th of March, I went to see Emilie Live for the fourth time, in Bristols' o2 academy. It was probably her best show yet. Touring her still unreleased FLAG album, we Plague Rats' were in for a real treat.
The new songs were seriously unbelievable...utterly mesmerising!
All photos taken by me/belong to me!
This gig was special as I had a VIP ticket, which meant I could get access to the soundcheck for EA and the girls, and also meet Em herself. I had met her once before in 2008, at an after show signing, but nothing quite so intimate as this experience would be. Em signed my book, and took a photo with me...but this was just the icing on the cake. She was so sweet and genuine! She told me my PR tattoo made her so proud! She said I had strong magickal energy. She loved my drawings I gave to her, saying she would hang the leech canvas up in her bunk ;) The experience was beyond what I could ever imagine, she held my hand the entire time, and I cried at the sheer emotion and connection between us.
The show itself was just as full of buried treasure as her previous tours, but it was also so much more. The new songs, really upped the game. It was a lovely experience to sing along to the new songs, but having them mixed in with some of the classics we all know and love. And even these re-used songs, were made even more epic for this tour! There is so much I could say, but there is no way I could possibly convey to you what this experience was to me.
So I will just finish with the wonderful chance I had, to play 'The Rat Game' onstage with the stunning Veronica Varlow herself.
I was picked from the audience, (I think buttering her up with my present earlier, helped my chances haha) and got to go onto EAs stage, stand in the sticky, rum filled remains of 'God Help Me' in just my stocking feet, and make out with Veronica for the audience. Corrupted for their sick, sick pleasure! This was just the cherry on the amazing cake, that topped off my night...I don't think it could have been any better.
Veronica with my bra!
(I came home to some sweet messages from Veronica about my gift to her, which made me feel a little fuzzy inside. One of them was a PM, but below is the other one she posted on my facebook page for the world to see...)
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